04 January 2008

Retro Music Friday.

I've always loved this song.
A couple of observations......

* Michael Jackson was the sh*t back in the day ( '83). It's a shame that the kids these days only know him as a pedophile weirdo with no nose.

* I think poor Heather Mills caught a lot of the sh*t she's in now because she's not Linda McCartney. Those were some tough shoes to fill. Godspeed Girlfriend.

* Did you know that Michael Jackson owns the rights to The Beatles song catalog. Yeah..no joke. More info here.

In other news, it has been FREEZING here. When I woke up yesterday it was 7 degrees. That's right, 7. Then yesterday afternoon it hit a balmy 14. Which isn't horrible if you can scurry to your car and then into the office. But when you are out with a client who can't walk and talk at the same time......it makes a simple jaunt to the car pure torture.

Did anyone else hear that poor Brit may be off to the looney bin ?




In other news from today....we took one of the cats to the vet to address his constant puking problem.(Yeah..super pleasant. It's great when you don't see said pile of cat puke until you step in it.) I'm not sure who was more traumatized, him or us. At any rate, we now have hypoallergenic cat food. Seems the poor bugger may have a sensitive stomach. We also have this tube of goo that we have to slather on his paw everyday to aid his digestion.

Also, we went to pick up our organic farm box at Ward's Berry Farm this afternoon. As it has been quite snowy and icy here their ( dirt ) parking lot was covered in a nice 1/2" layer of ice. On our way out of the store Brock warned me to be careful and not fall on the ice. ( for those unfamiliar, I have sort of a reputation of being a clutz and falling down quite a bit ) So I was carrying the farm box out to the car when I look over and see Brock on the ground. I was concerned, but couldn't help giggling. He slipped and landed 1/4 the way under the car. He bruised his leg, but otherwise is fine.



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