11 June 2009

Checkin' His Zen.

Remember a few posts ago when I stated that The Mister is capable of some truly profound statements ? That wasn't BS.

Last night while we were laying in bed, just as the Sox were finishing off the Yankees like so many crazy uncles ( we all have at least one...) finishing off a can, or ten, of beer.. and we were just about to shut the TV off and go to sleep The Mister turned toward me and stated the following;
I should preface this by saying he has a nasty, infected 1/2 root canal thing going on and he was largely under the influence of prescription narcotics & antibiotics for most of the day yesterday....

" Ugh, my head feels like an empty can full of rocks. "

A smile stretched broad across my face and I began to giggle a wee bit.

" An empty can full of rocks, huh ? " I said

He responded " Shut up. " and rolled over and went to sleep.

I think this may be The Mister dipping his big toe into the Zen pool. What's could possibly be next ? Incense ? Greeting me with " Namaste " when I call him on his cell ? Forsaking all earthly possessions ?


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