23 June 2009

In The Movie Of My Life The Part Of Stephanie Will Be Played By Patricia Arquette

I've chronicled on this blog what came best be described as The Bunny & Steph Mutual Admiration Society. Steph is one of a handful of people in my life who " gets it ". Our little back and forths, whether by email, text or phone are highly amusing. I thought I'd let all of you in on one of the tamer email exchanges we've had.
Just so we're all on the same page - here is the cast characters appearing in the following email tete-a-tete.

Bunny - Me
Stephanie - Our best-est cousin. The Marcia to my Jan.
The Mister as The Mister
K - Stephanie's younger sister
Big G - Stephanie, K and The Mister's Grandmother.
Phyliss's ( sp ? ) sister - a hard to explain relation of Steph, K and The Mister

Original Message
From: Stephanie H
To: Bunny
Sent: Sunday June 21, 2009
Subject: address

I know I have it somewhere, but what is your new address? I'm sending you something.

Original Message
From: Bunny
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009
To: Stephanie H
Subject: Re: address

Sending something....to us ? I....I don't know what to say. I feel so......... so special !!!!!

You like me ! You really like me !
( squeeeee........)

Just kidding. Don't mean to sound sarcastic. It's early and I've not had enough coffee yet.
Perhaps are you sending us yourself in a box ? That would so rock.
( music starts in my head.....)

" It's Steph in a box.........it's our Steph in a booooo-xxxxx !

^^ get it ? Like " Dick in a box " ^^ hehe

Like I said, not enough coffee yet.

Anywho....here goes;

3** (____) Avenue
(_____) , RI

You can Zillow our house if you want.

The Mister talked to K on Sat. night. She was holed up in Big G's bedroom trying to hide from Phyliss's ( sp ? ) sister. In K's words
" Man, she's really f'ing wierd. Just. Wierd. "

And those two ( The Mister & K ) had their own personal Beavis and Butthead moment. You know when little kids say things that are " adult " funny, but have no idea what they said was so funny.

Sometimes Senior Citizens ( I refrained from calling Big G " Elderly " - lest she get wind of me calling her " Elderly " and kick my now-size-10/12 ass ) say " Gen X " things and have no idea how funny they sound.

Apparently Grandma had, I guess, wandered into the bedroom and told Krissy that everyone was outside watching " Cornhole".

All I heard was The Mister snicker and say " Did Grandma just say " Cornhole " ? THAT ROCKS ! "

Ahhh....it's the little things, huh ?

As I style myself as somewhat of an artist, I find inspiration in these little life moments.

Please follow the link.




From: Stephanie H
To: Bunny
Sent: Monday June 22, 2009
Subject: RE: address

You are special. I should send you more shit but I am a loser friend. If it is any consolation, I think of you guys A LOT.

I will miss you terribly when I am at the family reunion next week.

I think you will like your present.

From: Bunny
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009
To: Stephanie H
Subject: RE: address

Yes. I am special. I'm special in that " short bus " kinda way......
Did you follow the link I sent you ? Did u not laugh your ass off ?
Hehehe...Cornhole. hehe.

Just curious....what exactly do you think when you think of us ?

Does a warm sensation of genuine affection wash over you filling you with a glee so intense that you glow like an overweight person at the Old Country Buffet ?
Or is it more like a " I hope this doesn't turn into a rash. " type feeling ?

Btw, unlike you I have a warm, genuine affection for IKEA ( but only mon- friday ) however I think I am safe in the assumption that we both would rather our husbands be caught red-handed on Cops propositioning a tranny prostitute than dine at the OCB.

Would I be correct in that assumption ?

You know, as I am trying to think about writing a book, I may devote an entire chapter to our little back and forth emails. Perhaps do you have some of them saved ? Yes, you read that correctly. I'm trying to think about writing a book.

It has a working title. And a dedication page.



From: Stephanie H
To: Bunny
Date: Monday June 22, 2009
Subject: RE: address


Somewhere between the former and the latter. :)

And OMG yes.

From: Bunny
To: Stephanie
Date: Monday June 22, 2009
Subject: RE: address

You are the textbook definition of a Capricorn.

I....the quintessential Aries.

Yet somehow we make it work. =)




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