09 November 2007

More Bullets Than South Central L.A.

* Brock and I have a niece. Meaghan Marie was born on 11/02/07. She's really quite cute, and dare I say.... she looks a little like Brock. Pics here.

* We joined an organic farm co-op. We picked up our first box today. Can anyone tell me what to do with Swiss Chard ? And I also have satsuma tangerines..mmmmm.

* Someone needs to stop Britney. She needs a court appointed monitor for herself- never mind her kids !

* So you know that The Mister and I do a mean rendition of Folsom Prison Blues. Turns out we also do a kick a$$ version of Wanted Dead or Alive. We've even turned it into a duet if you can imagine that.

* OK, how hot is George Clooney ? Seriously. If he gets any better looking he may burst into flames. Mee-oow.

* And because Brock gave me a hard time about that last George Clooney bullet - please click here to see Brock's dream woman.

* We've come to a bend in the road in the adoption process. Don't get excited - no referral yet, or anytime soon. There might be some interesting news around the corner. Stay tuned.



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