Today marks 15 months logged in at the CCAA. This week we got an email from Wide Horizons stating that January 2007 folks just got through the review room, so I think that we may be going through review sometime within the next two months.
Wish us luck !
BTW, # 15 on our beloved Sox is Dustin Pedroia - last year's ROY - who can't be ROY again.
Onto other things.......yesterday The Mr. and I went house browsing in Providence. We came across a house that - with MASSIVE amounts of work - could be the coolest house you've ever seen. However, we felt that there was just something a little fishy about the house. There were tons of plugs and internet modem wires packed into the sun room and it just seemed strange to us. Our agent Buffy felt that the house may have been rented to RIC students and they used the sunroom for computers.....ahhh...but such is not the case.
Brock pulled a piece of mail off the front porch and got the previous owners name, which we promptly went home and Googled ( seriously, what did we ever do before the internet ?! ). Turns out the previous owner is a criminal who used the house for his spamming operation and to sell fake Rolexs. He's being sued by the states of FL, RI and by Rolex. He also had 6 aliases ! The house was at one point under surveillance by the Feds. This may not be the end of this story, so stay tuned.
Yesterday we also ate ourselves sick on BBQ at City Hall Plaza. Mmmm...mighty tasty. One of the people who had a booth up there was a friend of Brock's uncle Dan so we made it a point to go over and introduce ourselves. We hit the BBQ festival at the perfect time as it was just getting started for the day and there were not a lot of people there - no waiting in lines !
Then we hopped in a cab and went to the Sox game. Last night was Celts night at Fenway so the
2008 WORLD CHAMP CELTICS drove out onto the field in the Duck Boats. Then Paul Pierce threw out the first pitch. SO COOL !
Then the rain started.
And we got soaked.
I supposed this is what happens when you go to the Sox game on a whim.
A damn poncho cost me $8 !
We had really great seats, however, I had the pleasure of sitting next to the cast of Entourage.
There were 5 lawyers sitting next to me ! ( insert your favorite lawyer joke here.. )
Now I know why people hate lawyers - they were DOGS ! I won't go into what they said, but I will say they were awfully smarmy. Ugh !
Although at one point lawyer # 1 says to lawyer # 2;
" Dude, do what you know and know what you do. "
What does that even mean ?
Like my new shirt ? I told you guys Ann Taylor and I were going to be BFFs !
Have you guys smelled this stuff ? It 's smells sooooooo nice, I think it's my new favorite fragrance.
Have a spectacular day everyone !
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