24 October 2008

Retro Music Friday.

Yes kids, it is the THE FINAL COUNTDOWN around here. We move one week from today. And believe you me we are counting down the days.
I am sooooo tired of my life being in complete upheaval. There are boxes everywhere......everywhere.

In addition to this, Jen showed me the second video this week at work. I don't feel that I can really do justice describing it to you, so you'll just have to watch it for yourselves.
Although I will say that I can really appreciate the conviction with which this young man performs.
Jen, Karina and I cracked up watching this the other day. Chris however, well, lets just say he's a tough crowd. I think I heard crickets.

This is Europe - Swede Glam Rock. Kinda sound like an oxymoron, doesn't it?
This song was from 1986. I was 10 and in the 5th grade.


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