23 October 2009

Retro Music Friday - Yes, I Am A Real Person.

I attended a birthday party for one of our former clients last night. He's been in a residence for about a year now, which has proven to be a wonderful transition for him. He seems like he's a lot happier these days, he looks fantastic, I could go on and on.
Like they say in adoption lingo, he's found his " forever family ".

At any rate, I've worked with this client on and off for years. He loves to tag along with me wherever I happen to be going. I have been known to pick him up at his residence and take him along with me to Home Depot or The Christmas Tree Shop, etc, even when I'm not working. As I said, he's always happy to tag along and follow me around The Depot pushing the cart for me.

Apparently he talks about me. Quite a bit. To everyone he knows.

I should backtrack a bit here........ this particular client has lived in the same town for years. He knows EVERYONE. He's practically the mayor. He knows most of the cops, the pizza place owner, the sub shop owner, the jewelry store owner, the bike shop owner, the liquor store owner.....he even knows Steve Grogan.

As I was saying, I showed up at his residence last night with birthday gift in hand. The woman who runs the residence told him that I had arrived and....he went totally silent. And his cheeks got a little flush. It was too freakin cute.
I guess he had been waiting for me, perhaps not so patiently.
I'm beginning to get the impression that he's got a wee bit of a crush on me.

At any rate, there was a point in the evening that the woman who runs his residence introduced me to other party attendees that I did not know. One woman, the Reverend from the church he used to work at, and I exchanged pleasantries and she then went on to say;

" So you're (___), he talks about you ALL THE TIME. I'm so happy that you're a real person and you know, not imaginary. It's so nice to finally put a face with a name. "

The pizza shop owner also showed up and upon my meeting him he exclaimed;

" Oh, so you're (____) ! He never stops talking about you. It's nice to finally meet you ! "

So yeah, I am real.

In case you were wondering, I bought him two fedoras for his birthday. He looks like a total badass in them.

Onto RMF......

I changed the answer tone on my phone a few days ago. My friend " K " called me at one point this week and expressed to me that she liked my new answer tone very much. She was the catalyst for me changing my answer tone in the first place. My previous answer tone was " I'm Every Woman " by Chaka Khan. At one point " K " shared with me that she understood why I chose " I'm Every Woman ", because, in fact, I am every woman and yes, anything you want done baby, I'll do it naturally.
She went on to tell me that although she really identified with the female empowerment themes in the song, she was getting really tired of " Chaka screaming in my ear. "

So, my new answer tone is Rapper's Delight by The Sugar Hill Gang.

" K " is not originally from this country and sometimes I have to explain American pop culture things to her. Like that Rapper's Delight was considered to be the first commercially successful rap song. I then went onto explain that Rapture by Blondie is sometimes credited with making rap more accepted on mainstream radio at that time.

She was not familiar with Rapture by Blondie - but I'm not really surprised. But sometimes it blows my mind that she can give me a PhD worthy explanation of Negative Transference, but she doesn't know Rapture by Blondie.

So anyway, today's RMF is Rapture by Blondie. I'm not able to embed a video so please CLICK HERE.

I should also tell you that The Mister has shared with me that Debbie Harry was the woman whom started him noticing girls. Yep, The Mister's seven year old self had a thing for Debbie Harry.


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