12 May 2007

Erica is having a pity party today.

If I have to hear about one more person getting pregnant I may throw myself off a roof. I am beginning to feel that everyone in the entire world is determined to have a child before us. I am finding it more and more difficult to smile and be polite when people tell me " Oh so and so is having a baby " or " Oh we met our birth parents today. " So then I try to not think about our lack of a baby and go about my life, but then again, how can I not think about it ? There are people out there that I know who have kids and lack the ability to care for them and from all outward appearances are totally disinterested in their children's lives. I think about our baby every single day. I know Brock does too.
It does not help that we have certain family members who are completely insensitive and make comments without regard for others feelings. Then again, I expect no less from this person.

Perhaps I am uncomfortable feeling this vulnerable. I seem to always feel like I need to be Wonder Woman ( thanks ma ! ) and have trouble recognizing that I have a human side too.

Brock seems to think that some higher power is trying to teach is patience. I have a truck load of patience. What I don't have is a baby.

WHERE IS SHE ??????????????????????????????

This concludes this portion of the Erica pity party. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

Thanks for listening.

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