03 September 2007

Vanilla Gelato, The New Heroin.

As you've probably gathered from my previous post we had ourselves a little day trip to Newport, RI on Saturday. We had a lovely day. Seafood at an outdoor cafe for lunch. ( lobster roll....mmmmmmm) We walked up and down the main drag of town. There was even an Irish Festival going on. We contemplated going to the festival, however admission was $12 apiece. We could not see paying that to see the entertainment that was free outside the chain link fence. There was also had an Irish market place that specialized in crap we don't need.
I mentioned to TM that had Bill been with us he would have had to go the Irish festival. 'Cause for Bill, being Irish is like heroin. Irish festival...must.go.in..cannot resist....
But I digress.

At any rate, on the other end of the main drag in Newport there is a gelato shop. We went in and tried their free samples before I decided on Strawberry Lemonade sorbet and TM had Madagascar Vanilla gelato.
At some point during the day TM dropped Madagascar Vanilla gelato on his left sneaker. I was not aware of this until yesterday.
No big deal, right ?

Yesterday, we kept hearing this weird thudding noise. We both looked around to discover that Chablis was practically making love to TM's left sneaker, while completely ignoring the right sneaker. She was purring up a storm and rubbing her face all over his shoe. She was even ramming her face inside the shoe. Then she'd roll over onto her side and lick the side of his shoe. At one point she'd pulled the shoe across the room by the laces. Then she'd walk off. Then she'd come slinking back to his shoe. She could not resist the vanilla gelato.
You'd think he dropped smack all over his shoe. She was like a little vanilla gelato junkie.
I'm not really surprised here. Chablis's food tastes run a little on the weird side.
One time she ate a kalamata olive ( ? ) and she's also been known to polish off an entire bag of beef jerky.

Of course this prompted us to get out the video camera in an attempt to get video graphic evidence.
But, the video camera was not charged and I probably would have spent an eternity trying to figure out how to upload videos to my blog.
Perhaps another time.


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