Which, BTW, is a FANTASTIC blog and I highly recommend that you all become avid readers.
She and her hubs call them the Five Fame F*ckers - we simply refer to them as Freebies in this house.
As there rules of the Freebie have heretofore been explained by Dooce, I will get right down to the nitty gritty of listing my Top 5.
Here goes, in no particular order;
1. George Clooney

2. Mike Lowell

3. Jonathan Knight

although if he happened to be busy,
Donnie Wahlberg would certainly do in a pinch.

You know - if I had to settle.
4. Joaquin Phoenix

5. Tim McGraw

Hmmm....I think I have a thing for Tall, Dark & Handsome.
I guess I'm still on the high-class raunch.
Although I could be mere steps away from becoming the next ( albeit hetero ) Dan Savage.
( Which I will confess is my secret career ambition, but somewhere, deep down, I think all of you knew that already )
None of you should feel badly for Brock - he too has his own Freebie list. We're nothing if not equal opportunity in this house.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot ! We sort of bought a house. Still have to do the home inspection and all that crap. So, fingers crossed ! We will hopefully close by mid September.
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