12 August 2008

Someone Needs To Get His Eyes Checked.

This actually happened.

Although in speaking with my friend Kathy on Sunday I guess it is really not hard to believe that half the shit that happens to me actually happens to me. She did say that she finds great joy in my life ( Thanks Kath ! ) ....apparently the circumstances I frequently find myself in are highly amusing to others.

At any rate.......

Last night I had taken the recycle out to the curb and when I came back in the house I realized that I had forgotten a few things. I rinsed out said items and walked them out to the curb.
On my second trip out to the curb the landlord ( Al) and his wife ( Marlene ) were ( I assume ) returning from dinner. I stood off to the side of the driveway as to not get run over - and continued on about my business.
As I made my way back up the driveway Al & Marlene were getting out of their car when Al stopped me......this was the conversation we had;

Al: " Erica...you're gonna love this one ! "

Me: " What's that Al ? "

A: " I was backing in the driveway and I asked Marlene who that young girl was walking down our driveway. "

M: " Oh ? "

A: " Yeah, then I realized it was you. "

M: (slight chuckle) " That's OK Al, nobody thinks I am the age I am. I tell Brock he should be take it as a complement that it looks like he's married to a younger woman. "

A: " So you've always been a trophy wife ? "

M: " I wish. "

And with that I went into the house.

Trophy wife......in what universe ?


P.S. This is my 350th post !
P.P.S. The sellers of the house we put an offer on want to negotiate. Keep your fingers crossed still !
P.P.P.S. Today is my Dad's 58th birthday.

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