29 August 2008

Retro Music Friday - The Pedophile Weirdo Turns 50 !

I was just thinking about Michael Jackson the other day as I had heard Don't Stop Till You Get Enough on the radio and thought it great inspiration for RMF.
In an odd stroke ( no pun intended ) of coincidence today just happens to be MJ's 50th birthday.

I guess MJ thinks he's flippin' special or something because you can't embed any of his vids from YouTube. For today's RMF please CLICK HERE.

You can hardly find any Prince vids on Youtube, but because Prince is Prince you kind of expect that from him. It only further adds to the enigma that is the Purple One. For some reason no MJ embedding on YouTube just makes MJ look like a spoiled brat.
But I digress.

How cool was Billie Jean back in the day ? I clearly remember thinking that vid was the coolest shit I'd ever seen in my life when I was eight. That light up sidewalk - man oh man - in my eight-year-old-white-bread-cul de sac-world MJ was the bomb !
I even had the MJ in a yellow sweater vest poster in my room. And ( try not to be jealous ) I had a MJ half shirt ( same pic as the yellow sweater vest poster ) WITH FRINGE !

Yep, my eight-year-old-self was one hot mess.

Why my mother ever let me dress like that or even let me be seen in public wearing said shirt is just beyond me.
Wrap your collective heads around this one - when I was eight my mother was the age I am now. YIKES !

At any rate....at some point MJ just got plain ol bizarre. I guess this is what happens when you live an " artificial " life devoid of normal activities and interactions. I won't go into great detail because we all know how bizarre he is.

So - MJ is 50. I can only imagine what kind of Nation Inquirer worthy type stuff will be going on at his birthday party.

In other news - we are having our home inspection today. Wish us luck.


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