07 September 2008

More Unfun Than Fun.

To borrow a phrase from Dooce, the Universe has really dry humped my psyche this summer. I know this is going to read as entirely unspecific - but I realized today that I've been owning a lot of other people's emotional baggage and making it my own. I've done a lot of hand wringing and nail biting over issues that clearly do not belong to me.

Like Elton John's 448th re-release of a greatest hits CD - it's the same old crap repackaged in a shiny new wrapper. It's the same game as before, only with different players. That is to say that I've gone down this road with others in the past and it took me YEARS to extricate myself from that.

Side Note:
One thing ( amongst many - too many to list here ) that my sister and I do not have in common is the way we tend to view the world. She tends to see things in absolutes, black and white, yes and no. I sure as hell respect her conviction in her beliefs and view of the world - I wish I could make it work for me.
I happen to live in all the shades of gray and maybes. Sometimes I wish life could be as clearly defined as my sister can make it for her. Certainly would make things a whole hell of a lot easier for me.
But sometimes things are not as absolute or as clearly defined as we'd like them to be.

More to the point - I've let other people treat me unfairly and make me feel like a total douche for crap I've not done. Alternately to this I've also allowed people into my life whom have presented themselves under false pretenses and proceeded to deceive me and screw with my head. Maybe it's making them feel better by making me feel like a horse's ass and alternately screwing with my emotions, but their issues are clearly their own.
Don't misunderstand me - I can certainly be guilty of a lot- but in this instance I am entirely clean. All of my actions have been correct and entirely above board - even if some fail to believe this.

So - as I'm sure most of you are scratching your heads by now - I'll leave you with my Universe-Psyche-Humping soundtrack courtesy of Mick & Co.

The moral of today's post is that if someone (or someones ) are treating you unfairly or transferring their emotional baggage onto you, dear readers, you deserve better.


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