27 September 2008

Taiwan ( squared ).

WHFC called....AGAIN. More specifically our social worker Jane called. She left a message on my cell yesterday wanting make sure that we ABSOLUTELY want to apply to the Taiwan program and said application's repercussions on our application that is currently collecting dust in China **.

She asked that I call her to discuss our options. I guess she feels this warrants further discussion.


At this point I'm not entirely sure what other options we have.
Some countries won't even take us.
Other countries we were going to apply to have since closed.
We can't even apply to get a child from DCF.
And - old news here - we certainly won't be having our own biological children.

Am I disgruntled ? Not currently.
Perhaps you would have gotten a different answer from me a year ago.
Brock and I have made peace with the fact that we may never have a family. And it is really OK with us.

I find it slightly amusing when well meaning, well intentioned but highly misinformed people say stuff to me like;

" Oh, they'll call you any day now..."


" Can't you just call them and ask what is taking so long ? "

I suppose it would be just that easy it Disney had it's own adoption agency. Then maybe a little blue bird would show up on my window sill, singing happy little songs to me and small woodland creatures would beckon me to the Forest and in a sun bathed clearing would be a cherub cheeked baby waiting for me to take it home.

OK, I got way off base there for a sec, sorry.


I guess I blinked first. My much coveted duvet was on sale at Target yesterday - so I bought it.

Also, I had a mole check with my new dermatologist yesterday and she told me I have " nice moles ". I took it as a compliment.
My grandmother used to call my moles " beauty marks ".

Happy Saturday All !


**Our file has not even made it into the review room yet, and our 18 mo. LIDiversarry was last week.

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