18 September 2008

No (Wo)Man Is An Island.

I've discovered this week that there are A LOT of people out there in the world who share the same feelings about stuff that I do.
And all along I was feeling a bit more than eccentric in my opinions about some things.

Although, my sister had this " boyfriend " for a long time that always told me I was too opinionated. I remember him asking me frequently if there was anything I did not have an opinion about.
Then I always told him that it was my opinion that he was a total shithead.
My sister dumped him quite a few years ago - after she discovered that he was a total shithead.

But I digress.

So, what opinions do others share with me that I've only discovered recently you ask ?
Here we go - bullet style;

* The guys on BCN were RIPPING on Dane Cook the other day. OH MY GOD ! FINALLY !
Someone else agrees with me that Dane Cook IS NOT FUNNY ! AT ALL !

* The guys at Jammin' 94.5 were expressing just this morning that if you are a grown ass adult w/o kids you have NO BUSINESS being at Disney World. Here here !
My friend Kathy and I have been around this topic many times. This is usually how our conversations go;

Me: " Brock and I are going to Florida next month. "
Kath: " Are you going to Disney ?"
Me: " Fuck no !"
Kath: " People don't believe me when I tell them I know someone who goes to FLA and does not go to Disney. "

* Rachel Ray is the devil. I'm glad someone else sees this.

* Anthony Bourdain is one old dude that I'd like to hang with. And his show rocks.



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