11 January 2009

Marital Bliss.

Saturday was an interesting day here at Chateau Bunny. Let's just say the combination of prescription narcotics and painting ( read: inhaling paint fumes ) all afternoon left me quite silly by 6:30 in the evening.

This was the conversation the other night, during dinner, whilst watching the NFL playoffs;

Me: ( Not entirely sure what I was doing, but I'm gonna venture a guess it was pretty off-the-wall..)

Brock: ( Imitating whatever it was I was doing..)

Me: ( annoyed ) " For Christ sake ! Can you stop making fun of me for like, five fucking minutes ! "

Brock: " Well maybe if you quit acting like a whackjob I might stop making fun of you for five minutes..."

10 Years, three months and one week and and two days of whackjob so far, you'd think he'd be used to it by now.


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