04 August 2009

" How Random Can We Be ? " - The Mister

So if some were to ask us ( Me & The Mister ) what we happened to do say this evening.......this
would be most likely what we'd be apt to relate to said inquiring individual;

" Well, first I ( Bunny ) modeled some perspective outfits for a wedding that we're attending this weekend while The Mister dispensed his fashion advice. Then we reheated leftover pasta and turkey meatballs for dinner while we listened to The Allman Brothers and read the Crate and Barrel catalog. Then we had some cocktails. Then I ( Bunny ) cleaned a deceased lady's jewelry that I sort of inherited - then The Mister decided that " Dead Lady's Gems " would be a great name for a band. Then we had some more cocktails while we ate berries and watched " The Dolla Dance " on YouTube. Then we talked about having a bunch of parties. Then we made fun of my ( Bunny's ) sister for a few minutes. Then we ate some chocolate pudding while we decided that we really couldn't picture Mumbles Mile doing " The Dolla Dance " while we listened to The Tom Tom Club's remake of " Love To Love You Baby. "

^ BTW, this entire time I was clothed only in my undergarments. ^

The Mister expressed his thoughts that the above described evening activities would not at all be out of line say, if we were heroin addicts. However, heroin addicts we are not. We're just, well.....random. That and....we have no kids.


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