18 August 2009

Identity Crisis.

There have been faint rumblings regarding my older client and her current living situation for a few months now. For a time I merely ignored these rumblings, because what was being suggested was/is a hellish nightmare that I am not willing to subject myself ( or her ) to. It seems that this week the rumblings have become too loud to ignore.

To the point; it is being suggested that my older client move due to funding issues. More specifically, a lack of funding issue. Or perhaps a fixed funding issue with no clause to account for inflation would be a more apt description.

The assisted living she has been residing in since 2006 has been bought out by another company who promptly raised their rates. This was right after they remodeled the interior common areas and hallways.....for the third time in two years.

Yeah, that one didn't make much sense to me either. But we don't have time to discuss the fugly yellow wallpaper right now............

( Some that know me know that I HATE the color yellow. Like, I despise yellow. Yellow must die a horrible, painful death. HATE YELLOW !!! )

Anywho, she ( my older client ) has a very limited amount of funding that is allowing her to remain at this facility. Now with the rate increase there is a funding shortfall.

So the geniuses at the nameless government agency that oversees her funding have decided that she must move to a less expensive facility.

At first I was all like....well, ok. If she must.

After I wasted some of my precious brain cells thinking about this matter I have since revised my opinion. While I was driving to work yesterday my thought pattern went a little something like this;

" Ok, they want her to move because she can't afford to live there anymore. But a move costs money. Money she doesn't have. And it's real easy for a bunch of government hacks to decide that she needs to move because they won't have to move her. All the move details will fall to me and I AIN'T MOVING HER AGAIN. I've moved her five times and each move sucked more than the last. I AIN'T MOVING HER AGAIN. But wait, if the facility they're suggesting that she move to costs less, how good is the quality of care ? Probably not great...which is only going to mean one thing....more freakin' work for me. More people to chase after when the bathroom is dirty. More people to nag when the clothes look like holy hell and I have to toss them and buy new. Freakin' dope government hacks ! I AIN'T MOVING HER AGAIN ! And then what about her ?? She's not gonna tolerate a move too well in her advancing years. Which is only gonna lead to stress and.....Stress ? This is gonna really stress me out. My God, if I have to move her again I might develop a drinking prob.....I AIN'T MOVING HER AGAIN ! Christssake, she's gonna flip her shit if she moves, which is only gonna lead to her having stress and anxiety issues......I'm gonna have to deal with her hissy fits and the only one around here who gets to have hissy fits is me !

Stupid dumbasses at D_ _ !

** sarcastic impersonation of nameless gov't hack **

" Ohhhh, lets just move her. Yeah, sounds like a primo plan ! "

Ok, but wait, what amount are we talking exactly here ? ** quickly does math in head **
Carry the one.........THREE THOUSAND BUCKS ! THEY WANT ME TO MOVE HER OVER THREE GRAND ! Oh man, they can kiss my butt! Three freakin' grand. Crap. I'll pay that myself to not have to move her. Three grand is not worth me ending up in AA.

I can't believe a rash of government dipshits all sat around a conference table and decided that she needs to move OVER THREE GRAND ! AAAAUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!!

Wait, ok, let's think this through. The assisted living facility is a business. They're all about making money. Money, HA ! Clearly the asshats at D_ _ didn't consider the HUMAN price in all their grandiose plans.....Ok, focus here....they're not gonna wanna lose a CONSIDERABLE amount of money over three grand. That'll be like....well....like...Ok. I don't know what it would be like, but it would be really dumb. I wonder if anyone thought to approach the assisted living to see if we could work something out, perhaps locking a rate because technically she's low income. I mean, surely they're not gonna wanna sit on an empty apartment over three grand. Bad for business. I'm sure there has got to be another solution to all this. Wait, aren't there obscenely wealthy people who look to give their cash away ? What if we got her a grant of some sort ? That might buy her a few more years there. Or maybe we could get her a roommate ? Hmmmm...

Freakin' dumb dopes wanna move her over three grand. I can't believe they all sat around and not one of them could come up with a better idea than to move her......

:::::::::sigh :::::::::::

This my friends, is your tax dollars at work. A conference room full of highly educated people and not one of them thought to approach the assisted living or consider an alternate funding source.
I'm convinced the greater the number of government employees you have in a conference room the more drastic the drop in their collective IQ.

** I'm not a gov't employee. I work for a gov't contractor. Big difference. **

I presented the aforementioned ideas to my boss. She seemed to think that investigating alternate means of keeping my older client in her current living situation was a brilliant idea.

Wish me luck.

I should tell you that I am willing her not to move. I just keep telling myself over and over again that it won't happen. Let's hope willing it not to happen works.

So where does the Identity Crisis come in ?

I had another revelation yesterday morning while I was driving to work. For those familiar with the Boston suburbs....they ( the State Highway Division ) has been working on the bridge at the Rt 1 north / Rt 95 interchange in Sharon, MA for nearly five years.

Five years to fix a bridge and repave the road.

If the State Highway Division were a private entity this project would have been done long ago.

The secondary revelation I had yesterday was that although for the majority of my life my political identity ( identity....not affiliation ) was mostly aligned with the Democratic party, I think I might actually be........you may want to sit for this one.........I may actually be a Libertarian.

I've come to the realization that Government ( State, Fed, etc. ) only exists to feed its own ineptitude.

If say, the USPS was privatized stamps might not cost 44 cents. If we privatized the Highway Division road projects would be done at lightning speed.

If the nameless Gov't agency that supervises my client were privatized, perhaps she'd not have to pack it up over 3K.

So there you have it.

Hi. My name is Bunny and I'm a Libertarian.


1 comment:

MMASOOGA said...

oh boy! Apart from the whole privatization of certain government agencies in the state, i hope you managed to lobby certain uninformed individuals in order not to move.