04 April 2008

Retro Music Friday. Then, Now & In Between.

I'm sure that you could all gather from this post that REM is my favorite band. I felt that they were a great inspiration for this week's RMF for a couple different reasons.

1. Tomorrow is the 28th anniversary of their very first show. At that time I believe that they were still an unnamed band. Their very first show was for a friend's birthday party and I think they only intended it to be a one off show.


2.Tickets for their summer concert tour go on sale tomorrow.

I've picked a few videos that I feel best represent REM from the early days right up until today.

This is Wolves, Lower. This song was off their debut album Chronic Town. It was released in 1982

Man on the Moon. I love this song. It's one of my favorite REM tunes. I saw them do this live the last time I saw REM in concert in 1995. AWESOME !

This is Supernatural Superserious. It was just released this week to great reviews and I have to say I really like it a lot. It's very catchy and might I even say, it rocks.

I was a little worried when their drummer Bill retired in 1997. They had been a four piece for 17 years and obviously it was a formula that worked very well for them. They seemed to flounder a bit for a few years, but I think they're finally back in the groove.

I intend to be 1st in line ( so to speak ) when tickets go on sale tomorrow.

I hope you all enjoy these videos as much as I do.



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