16 April 2008

Won't You Be My Neighbor ? NOT !

As I have stated in a previous post my cable-stealing neighbor and her meatstick boyfriend are moving out - and as I've also said she happens to be a landlord's daughter. It also just so happens that daddy built her a BRAND NEW APARTMENT on the other side of the yard above their BRAND NEW GARAGE.
Must be nice to not have to live in the real world........

As I've ALSO stated before she also happens to be a champion door slammer. If door slamming were an Olympic event she'd be the reigning world champ - a many-time-over gold medal winner.
The Bode Miller of door slamming if you will.

They are moving more items as I am typing this and the door HAS NOT STOPPED SLAMMING SINCE I GOT HOME FROM WORK.
This must be what it's like to live in a war torn country.
You know, you're minding your own business skipping along merrily through life and then BAM !

I think I'm on my way to a nervous condition. I'll almost certainly be in the psych ward at Butler Hospital before this move is all done. My official diagnosis upon admission might be neighbor-induced PTDSD ( post traumatic door slamming disorder ).

In an effort to proactively treat this disorder I am self medicating with a Cape Codder.
So far so good.

In other stress relieving news I am starting an herb garden on my back porch. I got a nice variety of seed packets last weekend and am much looking forward to getting my hands dirty.
I'm going to start the seeds indoors this week ( it's still a little cold for them to be outdoors yet)
and then when the weather improves I'm going to move them outdoors. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.

Oh yeah, Sox and Yankees tonight at 7:05. You all know what that means,


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