19 April 2008


Brock's big birthday surprise is scheduled for later this afternoon. I've managed to keep him from guessing what it is for quite some time now- which I have to say is pretty impressive of me. Usually when I have some big birthday surprise planned for him I either;

1) spill the beans accidentally
2) he'll figure it out on his own.

I've gone to great lengths to cover my tracks. I made my own mapquest directions. I did not give out my home # for the reservation, nor do they have my email address. I told everyone if they spilled the beans they'd be DEAD MEAT. Great lengths I tell ya......

He is totally baffled- and he'll continue to be baffled until 12:45 today.

I book this adventure in February as this particular place gets booked up fast. I didn't buy him anything material for this birthday. I mean, for Pete's sake, the man has everything. How many more running outfits or button down shirts can I buy him ? I'd rather him have an experience.

We're also going to a pretty neat place for dinner on the reccomendation of Joy and Teresa from work. Thanks ladies !

I will have stories and pics tomorrow....if I can get my blasted camera to work.


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