17 November 2008

Martha Stewart Needn't Worry About Her Job Security.

I should preface this post by saying that Thanksgiving will be held at our house ( for the very first time) this year.

This is the conversation I had with my sister this afternoon.

Me: " So yeah...well... I'm going over to Linens & Things this afternoon. They're going out of business and I'm hoping I can get a deal on a turkey platter."

Alyssa: " Oh........that's cool......what's a turkey platter ? "

M: "Umm......it's a platter that you put turkey on. "

A: " Like....cooked turkey ? "

M: " Ahhh...yeah....like...... you cut up the cooked turkey and make it look all nicey nicey and then you put it on the platter. "

A: " So you serve turkey on it.....it's like a big plate ? "

M: " Right.......that's why it's called a turkey platter. "

Perhaps I shouldn't tell her that I have a Trifle Bowl....that might really blow her mind.

Sometimes I wonder if she's yanking my chain or if she really is that big of an airhead.


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