28 November 2008

Retro Music Friday.

Because I'm not quite done with the sophomoric musings of Adam Sandler.......
I present all of you with......Lunch Lady Land.

I know, I know......I'm usually a little more " on it " than this....but I'm feeling a bit juvenile today.

I really have no use for Adam, and really....I don't find him all that funny. But, given the huge market for toilet humor aimed at 12 year old boys I see why he has the career he has.
Although, I did enjoy watching him ( the 30 minutes I did manage to watch....you know me and movies ) in Spanglish.......very outside the box for him.

As I'm sure you all guessed I have an Adam Sandler story to attach to today's video.

When I was in High School ( many moons ago - you know....when we had jesus starter jackets... ) it was the tradition that the graduating class dedicate the year book to their favorite teacher.....I clearly remember the class of 199- ( are you kidding me ? I'm not telling when I graduated ! ) ( am I too young to start lying about my age ? 'Cause really, I make the age I am look really good....* strains arm to pat self on back*) sitting the auditorium and taking a vote as to whom we should dedicate the year book to. It was almost unanimous....it was the lunch ladies.....hands down.

Don't believe me ?
Check this......

Uh huh....those would be lunch ladies. I actually took the time to dig out my year book, find the dedication page and scan it onto my computer. Lest you all think I'm totally full of shit.

I do remember that the lunch ladies at my HS were all really sweet grandmotherly types.....hell....they deserved it.

Of course I think the only reason the yearbook was dedicated to them was because....you guessed it....Lunch Lady Land came out the year I graduated.


How was Thanksgiving you ask ?

The only thing I can really say is that if I could bathe in The Mister's homemade gravy I would.

Have a lovely weekend, m'kay ?



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