12 November 2008

An Objection and A Retraction.

The Mister wants to make known his objection to my last post. He feels that it paints an unfair and inaccurate picture of him as an uneducated, monosyllabic, ass scratching, homophobic, "Git Er Dun " type neanderthal.
And really, nothing is further from the truth. He is none of those things.......

Perhaps when describing The Mister my literary and observational skills were somewhat lacking.

I'm not sure how I can accurately describe him......let me think.


OK, he really has no patience for anything that smacks even remotely of being overly feminine.
Bear in mind, I said overly feminine....like Boy George.
Really, it's not so much Boy George himself that bothers him.....really I thinks it's his deep and abiding aversion to 80's music. However, he listens to New Order.....go figure.

It's just....well....he sort of has a masculinity fetish. He likes manly things......like books about war, power tools, workout equipment and BBQ grills.

He's a man, what can I say ?

I think my perhaps inaccurate representation of him in the last post was drawn from my own experience growing up in a houseful of females.....well....except for my Dad. But then again, my Dad was more steeped in the girly experience having had two daughters. He is well versed in the art of how to pop Barbie's head back on.

Brock has shared with me on many occasions that I would not find any of the aforementioned traits in him at all unusual had I perhaps grown up with a brother or two.

Maybe he's right.


He did get a lawn mower. Still no deep fryer though.

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